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County Line Books...

What if you didn't have to pay your workers? Not really, not in cash? What if you could make your own currency and make it worth whatever you wanted?
Scrip was a system designed to pay miners in pinto beans and corn meal from the company store and make billions in profits for the coal companies.
• A history of Harlan County, Kentucky during the coal wars, including the Battle of Evarts
• Map of each coal camp, as well as several county maps​
• Lavishly illustrated with drawings and photographs, some never before published​
• Color photographs of over 800 different pieces of Harlan County coal scrip
• 286 pages, full color throughout, printed on coated stock
• Case bound, library-quality hardback
$29.95 plus $7.00 S&H =

In Asheville, NC,
SCRIP is available at
55 Haywood St.
Firestorm Books
1022 Haywood Rd.
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A Blue Wave Production